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New Year, New Moon: An Energetic Reset

Writer's picture: Jovie Hawthorn BrowneJovie Hawthorn Browne

How to sync your routine with the cycles of the natural world

Why does the New Moon matter?

Twelve to thirteen times a year, we experience a New Moon: an alignment between the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon that creates a completely dark night.

With no visible light from the sun reflecting off of the moon for us to see, it may even seem that there is no moon in the sky at all. But she's up there. As she has waned down over the past weeks from her full phase into this dark moment, there is a brief pause before the cycle of growth begins again.

For the moon, this cycle is constant. She does not get stuck or burnt out, for the flow from planning to growth to completion to rest is perpetually in motion. Markers of Fullness and Newness exist for but a brief moment in time between Waxing and Waning movements that progress over each minute, hour, day, week, and month.

For humans, living in a world that requires us to constantly push, push, push in order to keep up and survive the race to achieve and be productive- this cycle is easily lost. We are expected to constantly be in a Full phase of productivity, completion, and maximum growth- shining our light brightly for all to see at all times. Nothing else in nature is expected to exist in this way. If the moon was constantly Full: life as we know it would cease to exist.

Conversely, in the dark, still, quiet time of the New Moon, she has moved away from reflecting light onto the world— away from inviting attention, energy, and action, and has turned to show us a more introspective side. The New Moon pulls her energy away from the masses in order to rest, reset, and plan for the next phase.

Each month, we, too, can take the opportunity presented by the New Moon to take a breath away from the spotlight, see the potential for our next growth phase, and set new intentions for ourselves.

The New Year

Similar to the New Moon phase each month, the New Solar Year is an opportunity to double down on this resetting energy. We see this same cycle of planning, growth, completion, and rest throughout the seasons of the year: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn.

The Winter Solstice, on December 20th-21st each year, marks the darkest day of the year. This energy correlates strongly with that of the New Moon as a time of introspection, rest, and potential...

"The powers of light & warmth seem the weakest at this time, & we are immersed in the dark. But in the ancient Goddess traditions, darkness was not something fearful... Black, the color of fertile soil, was connected to the darkness of the womb, to gestation, fertility, possibility, and Mystery.

Which of the myriad potentials will come to light? What kind of year will it be? What child will be born from that womb?

That part depends on us. We are the midwives. We must use our human hands to shape history, our human minds to choose what qualities we need and want to bring to birth, our human will to make the choice. What will you choose?"

- Starhawk

Putting it into Practice: A New Moon/New Year Ritual:

This practice can be performed monthly throughout the year during any New Moon, or during any lunar phase around the New Year. It is powerful anytime during the Winter, but especially during the New Moons that occur in Winter months.

Take a Dark Moon Bath:

  • Brew a cup of herbal tea to sip on. Rosemary and Ginger are very fitting for this work.

  • Bring any dried flowers, adornments, or candles you prefer to place on the edges.

  • Anoint yourself with oil infused with rosemary and/or ginger, and/or add the infused oil or herbs (fresh or dried) to your bath water.

  • Close your eyes, breathe deeply, place one hand on your heart & one on your stomach.

  • Ask yourself which area of your life feels stuck & needs new intentions set. (If it's in your practice you may opt to use your pendulum or tarot cards for this)

Cleanse Your Space:

  • Find a space that brings you peace— either in your home or in nature.

  • Cleanse that space using smoke, plant-infused mists, a simmer pot, incense, or sound.

Set your new intentions:

  • Take a deep breath, close your eyes, & journal what it is you wish to manifest this month.

  • What new habits, traditions, & intentions are you inviting to support your own wellbeing so that you can continue to support the wellbeing of your loved ones & your community?

  • What goals will you set and how will you achieve them?

  • How will you hold yourself accountable?

Make Moon Water:

  • Write one of these intentions on a piece of paper each day from the new moon, through the waxing phase, until the full moon.

  • Place a glass of water in the window each night, and slip the piece of paper under the glass of water.

  • Each morning, you can use that moon water infused with your intention for cleaning, watering your plants, rinsing your hair, soaking your feet, simmer pots, etc.

  • This is especially powerful right after the Winter Solstice, but can be done during any month’s New Moon.

If you'd like to learn more about ways you can harmonize with the cycles of the natural world— you can join me in these spaces:

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